Recent Achievements By
Our Clients
Congratulations to clients that have recently used our planning services to produce these results:
- Industry:
Real Estate Development - $7.2 million construction financing
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Biotech - $5 million direct public offering
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Internet Communications - $4.7 million first round equity financing
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Financial Services - $8 million sale of company
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Broadband Communications Technology - $5 million sale of company
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Marine Transport - $2 million equipment lease financing
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Merchant Processing - $500 thousand contingent equity commitment
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Health Care - Management buyout
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Restaurant - $270 thousand SBA loan
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Early Childhood Education - Facility Build-out loan
- Industry:
Internet Communications - $200 thousand seed financing
BulletProof In The News
"Hot Disks... BallPark Business Valuation takes users step by step through the valuation process..."
Business Week
"Using BallPark, business owners plug in basic revenue and expense numbers...the software makes the
calculations "
Strategic Finance
"..Whether it's to get equity financing or to buy or sell the business, BallPark Business Valuation provides necessary information..."
CPA Software News
"BallPark Business Valuation... is a simple program best suited for small business owners and small business investors"
Accountants Ledger
"Until now the answer to that question was not easily obtainable. But now, that is no longer the case"
Smart Computing
"Find out how much your small business is worth using BallPark Business Valuation."

New To Our Site!
The updated version of our sample business plan, from 1996, is now available!