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Welcome to the BP Startup Package frequently asked questions. Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions about the BP Startup Package's custom logo design, custom Web site design, incorporation and hosting services. Clicking on a question will open a small window with the appropriate answer. Naturally, your BP Startup Advisor is always available to answer questions by phone or email.

What is included in the BPStartup Package?
What are the key advantages to purchasing the BPStartup Package?
Why should I incorporate?
How do I incorporate?
Can I incorporate when I just have one or two people in my company?
How long does it take to complete the incorporation process?
Why does my company need a logo?
How do I get my logo designed?
How long does the logo design process take?
Who owns the copyright on the logo design?
What do I need to do to get my web site developed?
Do I need to write the copy for my web site?
How many web site pages are included in the BPStartup Package?
How long will it take to have my web site developed?
What else is involved in getting my web site up and running?

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