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Sample Plan
Cover Pages
Executive Summary
The Enterprise
The Market
The Organization
Key Risks/Time Line
Prospective Financials
Cover Pages

We consider the front and back covers of plan documents to be as important as any other element in the plan for several reasons.  The very first thing a reader sees is the cover, making it the starting point for communicating the contents of the plan.

Front Cover

We typically include a "tag line" for the company's name to build a vision for readers before the document is opened.  In addition, the amount of money being sought is usually displayed, along with a date and highlights about the venture.  These highlights are not available until substantial work has been performed on a plan document.  Together the elements of the front cover should increase the likelihood that readers will draw the desired conclusions about a company.  The front cover should also include a company logo, if available, or other artwork that helps to reinforce the company's identity.  Click here to see an example. Show Me

Back Cover

When most business owners and consultants have a business plan bound, the back cover is simply a blank piece of card stock with no information on it.  This is unfortunate, since every opportunity to communicate should be taken advantage of. 

The back cover of a plan document is a great place to include an additional table of contents and certain disclaimers.  In addition, the look and feel of the front cover can be replicated and the amount of funding required restated.  Show Me

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