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Business Plans |
Overview Every plan document should include a section dedicated to telling readers about the company's management, officer compensation, supporting professionals, and
planned increases in personnel. In addition, this section of the plan is an excellent place to address the company's legal structure, significant shareholders, and similar information. |
Executives of The Company This is perhaps the most important component of the Organization section. You
should begin by listing the names, ages, and titles of the key officers of the company. In some cases it may be appropriate to list certain directors. The table should be followed by brief, objective, career
summaries for each officer listed. In some cases it is a good idea to refrain from amplified language and simply state the facts. However, this again depends on the audience.  |
Officer Compensation When outside investors put their capital at risk in a new venture, the degree to which their
investment will be used to pay salaries for existing officers is invariably a point of interest. A table listing expected annual compensation for the first year of the plan is an appropriate way to relay this
information. In addition, planned bonusses and stock options should be listed.  |
Supporting Professionals Every successful entreprenuar recognizes the value of competent,
professional counsel. At a minimum, a reputable attorney and a professional public accounting firm should be engaged. If a relationship with these professionals has not been established prior to preparing
your document, establish one before you distribute your plan to anyone. In the business plan, prepare a table listing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of these firms. |
Headcount Forecast Projected growth in personnel should be presented in nearly every business plan where the
number of employees is expected to grow signiciantly during the years covered by the plan. In certain cases, it is also helpful to include an organization chart.  |
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